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This service, financed by the MIFI, aims to facilitate the integration of refugees and immigrants in the various spheres of life: immigration, education, housing, income, health, justice, consumption, francization, interpretation, social integration and psychosocial adaptation. 

Our services

  • Assessment of needs 
  • Information on public services: health care system, school, daycare, government allowances, etc. 
  • Registration of children in school and daycare 
  • Assistance in obtaining essential documents: social insurance number, health card, etc. 
  • Assistance in finding housing 
  • Support, listening and advice 
  • Orientation and referral 

Permanent residents  

Assistance in filling out government forms: Canada Child Benefit, GST credit, solidarity tax credit, income security, etc. 

Temporary workers 

Assistance in filling out government forms: Quebec Experience Program (PEQ), work permit, Canada Child Benefit, GST credit, solidarity tax credit, etc. 

International students  

Help to fill out government forms: Quebec Experience Program (PEQ), study permit, work permit, Canada Child Benefit, GST credit, solidarity tax credit, etc. 

  • Application for permanent residence through the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) 
  • Renewal of study permit, post-graduation work permit 
  • Application for CSQ and permanent residence for protected persons 
  • Workshops to prepare for the Canadian citizenship test 
  • The values of Quebec society 
  • The school system, preparation for school 
  • The health care system 
  • And much more