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Our Mission

Support immigrants and government-assisted refugees in their process of integration and active participation in the host society by promoting community life, and intercommunity and intercultural rapprochement. 

Our Vision

To be recognized as the benchmark organization for immigration in Montreal for its expertise and the quality of its services. 

Our Values


Recognition and consideration of the people’s identity and culture.  


The comprehension of others’ feelings and emotions and the ability toput oneself in others shoes” by making a distinction between self and other.  

Mutual aid

The creation of human relations based on sharing, exchange, openness, support and mutual learning between immigrants as well as between immigrants and Quebecers of origin. 


The protection of the rights and freedoms of people, without distinction of ethnic origin, language, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic situation, belief, religion or political opinion. 

Our Corporate Objectives


Welcome, accompany and guide immigrants and government-assisted refugees by promoting their capacity for action and their autonomy in order to support them in their process of socio-professional integration in Quebec. 


Collaborate with various organizations and consultation tables to offer services adapted to the needs of immigrants and government-assisted refugees and to ensure the involvement of the CSAI in the community. 


Defend the rights and interests of immigrants and government-assisted refugees. 

Bring Closer

Encourage intercommunity and intercultural rapprochement by raising awareness and encouraging mutual aid both among the host society and among immigrants and government-assisted refugees.  

The CSAI benefits from the competence and commitment of the members of the Board of Directors, who generously collaborate in the advancement of the CSAI. 

Alexandru Moïse


Louise Beaudoin


Himmat Shinhat


Jocelyne Patole


Naima Lanasri


Razieh Razavynia
